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Institutional Repositories Authority Files

This Wikibase was created with the intent of exploring the potential for using the platform as a method of storing and making use of the data for repository authorities. The initial population of data is based on Berkeley Law individuals. As this is in the exploratory phase, the data (and platform) could disappear at any moment and rebuilt in another way.

Data models

Data model for humans
Property Value Value may be new entity? Usage note
instance of (P20) human no
Given Name (P14) string value yes this may include middle names and initials
Family Name (P13) string value yes
IR Authority Name Form (P15) value yes in the form of Last Name, First Name
wikidata identifier (P2) Wikidata QID yes this should be just the QID from Wikidata and the link will auto-format
LCNA (P8) LCNAF number yes this is the Library of Congress Name Authority number - the link will auto-format
person ID (P7) value yes this is an internal institutional identifier
Faculty Profile (P18) URL yes this is the link to a person's faculty profile
Curriculum Vitae (P19) URL yes this is the link to a person's CV